About the PRGI
The Pegasus Residents’ Group was formed in mid-2011 and became an incorporated society in September 2013. The main driving force behind the original committee was setting up a volunteer Community Watch team.
Since then, the committee has grown along with the activities they are involved in in the community.
PRGI is bound by its constitution and the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. Read our constitution here.

Some of the current PRGI Committee members
Our Role
Pegasus Residents' Group Inc. seeks to promote, preserve, and protect the interests of the residents of Pegasus Town.
We aim to support the efforts of any person, persons, association, or any other bodies, who may in the opinion of PRGI to be working for the benefit of the Pegasus area and to foster social activities within PRGI’s area.
The PRGI are committed to working on your behalf and with you to support a vibrant and connected community. We monitor what is going on in our area and represent and advocate on behalf of our members and the Pegasus community on a range of topics of local significance, large and small.
The purpose of such representation is to voice the concerns of Pegasus residents, ensuring their interests and concerns are heard in decision making that affects our community, resulting in a happy, healthy, connected community and living environment.
Our membership is vital in enabling us to do this via a membership fee of $20.00 per year (or part-year) per household goes towards costs of administration, printing, running events etc.
Our Many Conversations: Who we work with
Residents (new and existing)
Prospective residents
Waimakariri District Council (Councillors & staff)
Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust (Tuhaitara Coastal Park)
Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency)
Infinity Group (Ravenswood)
- The Woodpecker Community Trust
Northern Pegasus Bay Bylaw Advisory Group
Media journalists
Local businesses
And many more!
Our continued activity and achievements
Continued activity:
Advocating for improved water quality and elimination of algal bloom with stakeholders (Templeton Group, WDC, ECan).
Facilitating the business case with Enable for fibre in Pegasus.
Working with developers (Templeton Group) on future aspirations for the town centre.
Working with WDC staff to help facilitate the operation of the existing Pegasus Community Centre (PCC) and development of the planned new purpose-built centre.
Developing a residents' map of Pegasus and Woodend-Ravenswood.
Coordinating the Pegasus volunteer Community Watch team (10 years) and running the community watch vehicle, including responsibility for all costs related to its upkeep and running.
Coordinating PCC volunteers to staff the centre to provide the public with access to free books, jigsaws, and information about Pegasus and the surrounding area, including wide range of information on local community and social services available to support our community.
Promoting the PCC facility and services at the Pegasus Community Centre
Advocating on behalf of our PRGI members and residents and hosting public meetings on matters that are important to our community.
Hosting the free Christmas at the Lake event and other community events.
Advocating for safety improvements to State Highway 1 from Ashley River to Belfast, including the Woodend Bypass
Liaising with WDC and Templeton Group (current Pegasus development owners) on various maintenance and other issues of concern to residents.
Organising public meetings with developers, WDC, Civil Defence, Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust, Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency), NZ Police and more.
Ongoing contact with outside organisations as listed above
Sending PRGI representatives to attend meetings including the Northern Pegasus Bay Bylaw Advisory Group, Civil Defence meeting, District Development Strategy, NZTA Safe Roads Alliance and more, as, and when required
Regularly liaise with the Woodend Community Association and Woodend-Sefton Community Board
Writing the Pegasus Information Page for The Woodpecker magazine
Regularly updating members and residents via the Pegasus Residents' Group Facebook page
Sending PRGI members minutes from the PRGI monthly committee meetings
Sending PRGI members-only monthly newsletters and exclusive updates
Summary of achievements:
Working with WDC:
Worked closely with WDC to secure a community centre for Pegasus (opened May 2017 and expanded September 2019)
Submissions to Long Term Plans (LTP) and Annual Plans
Submission of Plan Change 30 (Ravenswood)
Moving of 2 Degrees cell tower
Repair of Pegasus emergency exit gate
Improved internet at Community Centre
Liaised with WDC to have accessways for pedestrians and cyclists created between Pegasus Main Street and Gladstone Road; from Infinity Dr to Gladstone Park; and from Kaiapoi Pa Road to Tiritiri Moana Drive
Liaised with WDC to have an emergency exit gate installed from Pegasus Main Street to Gladstone Road (2017) and to have that accessway upgraded in 2019
Working with Templeton Group (TG):
Reinstatement of Lake Management Plan
Golder’s Lake status report commissioned
Lake stakeholders' meetings
Lake updates and reports
Defibrillator battery funded by TG and Red Cross
Repair of waterfall and bridge lights
Facilitated the installation of a defibrillator which is available to the community 24/7 and is located outside the Pegasus Medical Centre (52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus) - funded by TG & Red Cross
Organised and paid for Welcome/driving awareness sign and garden on Pegasus Boulevard (by golf course)
Community watch patrols & recruitment drive
Naming of “Bob’s Bridge” with plaque
Funding applications & sponsorship requests
PCC hosting of information drop in sessions
Answering FAQ’s: Covenants, Telecomms, Emergency Exit, Local JP’s