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New timetables now available for Waimakariri bus services

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

Latest update regarding the Waimakariri bus service from Metro Bus.

Kia ora Members We wanted to let you know that the timetables and maps for the confirmed changes that resulted from the Waimakariri service review are now available at These changes, in place from Monday 28 September, include:

  • 1 Rangiora – Cashmere (Blue Line): This service will travel via Williams Street and Lineside Road. In Rangiora, the service will now use West Belt and Kingsbury Avenue to access King Street rather than Enverton Drive. It will continue to use the existing terminus on Ashley Street in Rangiora. The service will continue to operate at its current frequencies.

  • 95 Pegasus/Waikuku – City: This service will travel via Silverstream to Pegasus, operating half-hourly at peak times on weekdays and hourly at all other times. It includes one trip on weekday mornings and afternoons, diverting to Kaiapoi High School so students can continue to access the school. There will be one trip in the morning from Waikuku, and two back in the afternoon/evening.

  • 97 Rangiora – Pegasus: This new service will travel hourly between 7.30am-6.30pm on weekdays, 8.30am-6.30pm on Saturdays and 9.30am-6.30pm on Sundays.

View the full background about the consultation process. A new look for Metro buses At the same time, we’re introducing a new single brand look for our buses. This look will be rolled out over the coming months and includes phasing out the current ‘Metro Line’ buses. First up is the Blue Line, which will be known as 1 Rangiora – Cashmere. What about the new, direct commuter services? Along with Waimakariri District Council, we are continuing planning and preparation for these new services and the opening of five new Park & Ride locations. The direct bus services will begin early in the new year, following the opening of the Christchurch Northern Corridor in December. We will send another update once further details are confirmed. See more information and background on our consultation website. COVID-19 alert level two Our team sends a huge thank you to everyone for bearing with us through the challenges presented for public transport as we move through different alert levels. The Prime Minister is expected to make an announcement regarding the next steps for New Zealand’s alert level status this afternoon. A friendly reminder that wearing a face-covering is required while we’re at level two. Our website is kept updated with the latest information and we encourage you to make sure your Metrocard is registered to support contact tracing if needed – don’t forget to tick the box to receive our service updates to get direct information about any changes due to COVID-19. If you have any questions, please email, or call Metroinfo on 03 366 88 55. Kind regards, The team at Metro

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