🎃 Hallow Halloween fans, our map is ready and can be viewed or downloaded below!
Trick-or-treating typically starts around 5pm-ish as this is when most people are home from work and can hand out candy/lollies or take their children out. Some families with younger children may start earlier so they can head home for dinner afterward.
Have fun trick or treating and don't forget to read our tips below.
View the map below
Download it here: (Note: it is about a 2MB file size)
Trick-or-Treating Tips:
Admire from a distance – Please do not touch or tamper with any Halloween decorations.
Encourage kids to say "Trick or Treat!" when approaching a door and always thank the homeowner, no matter what they receive.
Remind children to take just one or two treats unless the homeowner says otherwise. This ensures there’s enough for everyone.
Stick to footpaths and walkways, avoiding gardens or lawns.
Skip houses with lights off or signs indicating they are not participating.
If there’s a line, wait patiently and take turns with other trick-or-treaters.
Encourage children to stay with their group or parents and not wander off alone.
Some pets may not enjoy the Halloween excitement, so keep a safe distance.
Remind kids not to enter anyone's home unless with a trusted adult and at a familiar place.
Hold onto wrappers or rubbish and dispose of them properly at home.
Encourage kids to be kind to all other trick-or-treaters, no matter their costumes or how quickly they move.